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Electronics maintenance and repair

Electronics maintenance & repair

Extend the service life of your electronic products

We develop responsible services, which are now of critical importance in a world fully engaged in the ecological transition. We specialise in the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of your electronic products at our industrial centres located in close proximity to your markets. We also work alongside your customers, providing them with support through web solutions, either on-site or at home, in shops or branches.

Our expert teams are constantly innovating to design agile solutions at each step of your technical processes: testing and diagnostics, repair/refurbishment, reuse, quality. We offer fundamental expertise within our core business to meet your requirements for optimising costs and managing the life cycle of your electronic products: reverse logistics, supply chain, R&D engineering, IT, refurbished electronics, downstream logistics, customer services.

Your technologies, your products,  Our businesses



Mobile phones

Our partners, global leaders in their sectors

We are recognised by key players, who we support in close proximity to their markets.

Pour plus d’informations, contactez nos équipes

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Un smartphone reconditionné tenu par les mains de Laure. Au second plan des équipements électroniques rachetés ou récupérés pour être réutilisés ou recyclés.
La fabrication durable appliquée aux cartes et produits électroniques

Our additional services

Refurbished electronics

Are you seeking to make your electronic products more sustainable?

We optimise the return of your second-hand products to market, applying innovative solutions at each step: buyback, processing and distribution. We develop local refurbishment services that we continuously improve by listening to our customers.


Are you seeking to manufacture small and medium-sized series of circuit boards or assembled products locally?

We ensure a successful market launch and sustainability of your electronic products through our innovative processes at all phases of your project: pre-production, industrial roll-out, supply chain, production and retrofitting.