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Legal notice

Legal notice


You are currently visiting the website published by Cordon Electronics, a simplified joint stock company with registered capital of €2,000,000.

  • Registered office: 1, boulevard du Petit Paris – ZA Les Alleux – Taden, 22107 DINAN Cedex, France
  • VAT registration number: 432 371 342 Saint Malo Trade and Companies Register
  • Publication director: Serge Cordon, CEO

Users acknowledge that they have familiarised themselves with the information below prior to visiting the website. By choosing to access this website, users expressly and irrevocably agree to the following terms and conditions.


Credits for the website:

  • Technical operations and maintenance : C-Digital Labs
  • Photos: © iStock.
  • Hosting: Scaleway


Any photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound, and any works incorporated in the website are the property of Cordon Group. Any logos, icons and graphic bullets represented on the website are protected by copyright and articles L.511.1 et seq of the French Intellectual Property Code concerning protection of registered designs. Reproductions, either on paper or computer media, of the aforementioned website and the works reproduced in it are authorised, provided that these are for personal use, precluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or informative ends, and/or that these are compliant with the provisions of Article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the website and all or part of the various works included in it, without first obtaining permission from Cordon Group is strictly prohibited and constitutes a counterfeiting offence and may give rise to civil and/or criminal legal action and payment of damages.



Daniel Jensen

Markus Spiske