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Consumer electronic products - smart watch

Consumer electronics 

Optimise after-sales management of your consumer electronics products

We develop web services and solutions for reverse logistics, repairs, refurbishment and customer services for your electronic products: white goods (small and large domestic appliances, etc.), brown goods (TVs, headphones, photo and video equipment, etc.), grey products (PCs, games consoles, etc.), mobility products (scooters, hoverboards, etc.), small tools, panic alarms, IoT, etc.

We manage your processes at our centres and/or through call-outs. Our mission: reducing your costs and environmental impact through our teams’ agility and technical versatility.

Antoine intervient chez un client, il décharge ses équipements pour dépanner le produit électronique
Antoine procède au démontage complet de la machine à café pour la diagnostiquer et changer ou nettoyer les pièces usagées

Field network
Develop your national and regional coverage

We perform preventive or corrective maintenance on your electronic products and install them in your private and business customers’ settings. With sites across France, we are able to provide nationwide coverage and develop processes tailored to all call-out requirements: 4 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours to 1 week, weekend on call, etc.

We provide you with human resources and tools to supervise and maximise service quality.

Our field technicians undergo training to certify and maintain their skills. We develop continuing professional development support tools through our knowledge base and by monitoring e-learning.

We provide our field staff with cutting-edge equipment to ensure top performance, safety, and compliant work, while also limiting our environmental impact : the latest, greenest vehicles with special storage, corporate-owned smartphones or tablets, test and repair equipment, personal protective equipment, etc.

Un appareil photo subit des tests complets pour garantir l'efficacité de la réparation ou rénovation
Nos techniciens démonte soigneusement un écran pour le réparer dans une salle blanche en second plan

At our centres
Extend your products’ service life

On receiving products, our expert teams apply inspection and diagnostic processes, which can be configured to suit your requirements. We use a full range of diagnostic tools to quickly identify genuine faults and meet your requirements for dealing with these. Our expertise: DIRECTING YOUR PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES TO A RAPID PROCESSING CYCLE.

We are experts in high-tech equipment and develop manufacturer-certified repair processes. Our expertise: developing flexible production lines to optimise each process step.
We perform work in and out of warranty in accordance with your conditions and procedures.

Our team of experts is on hand to optimise your processes and meet your CSR objectives by:

  • developing refurbishment and renovation services for your products and sub-assemblies,
  • reducing spare parts use by reusing components,
  • sending non-reusable elements for clean destruction

Each product is tested at the end of processing based on an appropriate process. We pack products and ship them to your customers by an appropriate method (home, pick-up points). Our expertise: GUARANTEEING THE QUALITY OF YOUR PRODUCTS, MAXIMISING REUSE AND REDUCING WASTE.

Au sein de nos lignes de réparation de machine à café, vous observez des rangements de pièces détachées soigneusement emballées et tracées
A réception, chaque produit est identifié et contrôlé pour suivre un parcours SAV précis et rapide

Reverse logistics and supply chain
Secure and optimise your inventory

We are experts in purchasing and supplying spare parts and electronic components, and adopt a supply chain strategy aimed at optimising costs and mitigating risks of stockout and obsolescence.

We apply several management methods covering supply and warehousing at our centres and distribution to field technicians.

We centralise after-sales returns flows at our after-sales hubs, ensuring optimised implementation times. In partnership with major haulage operators, we manage all your after-sales returns, covering both small and large accessories and products. Our teams design innovative flow supervision tools to coordinate the transport and management of products and accessories at our centres in accordance with your processes: exchanges, loans, repairs, buyback/trade-in.

Our mission: to guarantee traceability and optimise coordination of part, component and product flows for repair or reuse

Nos équipes sont à votre écoute pour toutes questions techniques et faciliter votre expérience à chaque étape du parcours

Customer services Improve the customer experience with our multichannel technical support

Our teams operating at our repair centres in France and Europe provide multilingual and multichannel solutions: email, voice, chat, social media. We bring technical added value to customer relationship management at each step of the customer journey:

  • Online diagnostics, remote assistance, filtering of false faults, issuing RMAs,
  • Management of multichannel service requests (standard or specific)
  • Support with configuring and using products,
  • After-sales product tracking, call back to hone diagnostics,
  • Occasional or regular satisfaction surveys.

Our online solutions

Streamline the user experience at each step in products’ life cycles. We develop solutions to meet consumer self-service requirements or support your advisers and field technicians at all stages in products’ life cycles, from product use to after sales and refurbished electronics.

Editing tool for creating personalised online programmes for manuals and tutorials
Self-diagnostic process leading to appropriate fault resolution or management
Platform for monitoring after-sales tasks both in and out of warranty, overall KPIs, outstanding invoices, transport tracking, RMAs, loaner kits, quotations
Full data erasure tools
Buyback/trade-in platform for your electronic products

Some of our key customers

We are recognised and chosen by key players to develop reverse logistics, supply chain, diagnostic, repair, and refurbishment processes and services at our centres and/or through home interventions.

Pour plus d’informations, contactez nos équipes

Do you have a project ?

Please contact us with any requests for information regarding our after-sales processing solutions for your consumer electronics products, supplied either in-centre or in the field.

Un smartphone reconditionné tenu par les mains de Laure. Au second plan des équipements électroniques rachetés ou récupérés pour être réutilisés ou recyclés.

Refurbished electronics

Are you seeking to make your electronic products more sustainable?

We optimise the return of your second-hand products to market, applying innovative solutions at each step: buyback, processing and distribution. We develop local refurbishment services that we continuously improve by listening to our customers.