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Cordon Group awarded Ecovadis Platinum Medal

With this medal, Cordon Group raises its CSR performance to the highest level

Published on 22 December 2023

Cordon Group was recently honored by receiving the platinum “Ecovadis” medal, a distinction that underscores the company’s excellence in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This medal symbolizes the success of Cordon Group and its ongoing commitment to sustainable practices since many years.

Last year, Cordon Group was awarded the gold medal. This year, the company reached a new milestone by achieving a score of 83/100, a significant improvement from the previous year’s score of 70/100. This progress reflects a positive momentum and Cordon Group’s consistent commitment to high CSR standards.

Over the past four years, Cordon Group has experienced a progression, moving successively from the bronze to silver, then gold, and finally reaching the prestigious platinum status. This evolution reflects the company’s determination to excel in key criteria such as environmental responsibility, social and human rights, ethics, and responsible procurement.

Evaluated among over 100,000 companies, the award of the platinum medal places Cordon Group among the top 1% of globally assessed companies, highlighting its commitment to responsible practices on a global scale.

We congratulate the teams at Cordon Group for this achievement! This success is the result of sustained collaborative effort, reflecting the value of the company’s collective commitment to excellence in CSR.

Cordon Group and the Ecovadis platinum medal